August Rounds Played Up 3.9%
Our national rounds played data is out today with year over year results for eight regions, all states and several metropolitan areas. US rounds were up 3.9% for August’22 and down -2.6% YTD vs August’21.
Good weather and active golfers helped push August rounds played up 3.9% and brought the Year to Date results up to within a couple of percentage points of 2021 levels. Clearly, existing golfers and new players as well, have been heading out to the golf course to tee it up, even with other activities available, rounds continue to grow. Only two regions (Pacific and South Central) declined vs. prior year, while rounds in 29 states were up more than 2%.
Coming off a huge 2021, many prognosticators expected to see rounds played drop off markedly as Americans moved back to their old habits and activities, however so far the business of golf continues to have a strong heart beat.
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