Distance Measuring Device Study (2023)

Golf Datatech is the only company in the world with insights into U.S. retail sales of DMD’s which, when combined with our in-depth understanding of consumer attitudes and behavior, means we are able to project the full market.


The 2023 Distance Measuring Device Study is the sixth instalment in the series evaluating the awareness, usage, and perceptions of distance measuring devices currently available to golfers. This study investigates attitudes about the category’s leading selling brands, as well as usage and interest in new technologies.


The following summarizes some the key topics in the report and results are trended against where applicable against prior results.  Many questions are also cross tabbed by Handicap, by those who Use/Don’t Use and By Device Type Used.  Also included are Demographic Profiles of the Top Brands Used.

  • Aided & Unaided Brand awareness
  • Importance of Yardage & Accuracy – How important is knowing the exact yardage? What defines accuracy in the context of a serious golfers’ game? How accurate do golfers think Distance Devices are? Which type/brand of devices are perceived as the most accurate?
  • Usage – What type of devices are used? When and how are they used? What brands are used most often? What do golfers like and dislike about the devices they use?  How complicated is the device used? How likely are golfers to recommend the brand they use.
  • Purchase Habits – How many devices have been purchased? WHEN was the last purchase made? What type of device was most recently purchased? Do golfers comparison shop online? Do they know the brand they want before they shop? Did they actually buy that brand? What motivites the purchase of one device over another? Where was the most recent purchase made? How much was paid?  How satisifed are golfers with the various functions and features of the device they purchased?   What devices would golfers be interested in purchasing in the future? What brands would they be interested in?  What influences the purchase decision? When would they likely purchase again and for how much?
  • Total Market Projections – In units and dollars by product type, as well as insights into trending market shares.


Utilizing the Golf Datatech Panel of Serious Golfers, an online survey was conducted and data collected from over 1,500 respondents. These respondents form the basis for the bulk of the analysis.


Cost $4,000

golf datatech unveils 6th distance measuring device report 2023

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