Gambling on Golf: Wagering on the Game (2022)
Golf and gambling go hand in hand although, these days, it’s less about a fun bet over a beer and more likely to center around the Professional game. Gambling on Golf: The State of Wagering on the Game is a 43-page study delivering insights into the current state of gambling on golf in America.
To deliver unique, up to date and fascinating, insights into the current state of gambling on golf.
- What percentage of golfers wager when playing the game? How many wager on Pro Golf?
- What is the average amount wagered on the course vs. on the Pros?
- When betting on Pro Golf, what percentage are betting over $50?
- What types of betting on Pro Golf is most common (Winner, Top Finished, Fantasy, Props, etc.)?
- Are golfers betting in person or via an App/Online? Which Apps are used most often?
- Do people who bet on Pro Golf understand the odds?
- Are the odds for Pro Golf bets “fair” or skewed?
This study only attempts to address how Serious Golfers (roughly 5.8 million) gamble on the game. It does not investigate the less serious segment (about 19 million), nor those who do not play golf, but still bet on it.
1,120 Serious Golfers provided their personal attitudes and opinions on gambling and golf.