Assessing the Pyramid


Investigate how Serious Golfers evaluate new technology, how they gather information on new products and technology, and what influences them to purchase. To highlight the changes in attitudes and behaviors, the analysis concentrates on whether the “Trickle Down” effect still drives golf equipment sales.


Conducted with over 2,000 serious golfers in the Fall of 2024 the fourth installment of the study (previously conducted in 2007, 2014 and 2019) identifies, evaluates, analyzes, and develops a deeper understanding of the impact and influence various sub-segments of the golf population have on the dissemination of information, trial and subsequent purchase of golf equipment.

Data is reported by sub-segments consisting of the Traditional Pyramid (Segmented by Handicap), The Alpha Consumer (Segmented by those who purchase at a higher rate), The Leading Edge Innovator (Segmented by those who “Must Have” the latest technology) The Brand Loyalists (Segmented by those who are very brand loyal) Opinion Influencers (Segmented by those who Believe Others are Very Interested in their Opinions) as well as by Income, Age, Facility Played Most often and Gender.

This comprehensive report stretches over 800 pages and investigates the following and much more:

  • How serious golfers feel about golf club pricing and buying new clubs.
  • How they think their golfing friends and associates regard them and their expertise regarding golf equipment and technology and who serious golfers believe they directly influence other regarding golf equipment and technology.
  • Resources, influencers and triggers when in the market for new golf equipment, including what they read, watch and utilization of online resources, including social media.
  • Purchase behavior for new irons, drivers, putters golf balls and golf shoes, inducing brand usage, purchase cycles and pricing.

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