Gap Closing for Apparel

golf apparel market research by golf datatech

The retail sales data for US golf apparel sales for June 2024 is published this week with apparel sales down -1.8% for the month vs June 2023.

US June 2024 Total Retail Market (On-Off Course)

On-Off Course June ’24 vs ’23: Dollars -1.8%
On-Off Course June ’24 vs ’19: Dollars +14.8%

On-Off Course YTD ’24 vs ’23: Dollars -9.3%
On-Off Course YTD ’24 vs ’19: Dollars +18.4%

During June, all categories saw declines, with the exception of Men’s Shirts (+1.3%) and Headwear (+5.0%).

With the release of the latest apparel sales figures, Golf Datatech co-founder, John Krzynowek said:

“After five months of significant declines, golf apparel moved back closer to level with the same month in ’23, but still remains more than 9% behind last year.  It is worth noting that the first six months of 2023 were the largest first half sales ever recorded, so a decline from those levels by itself is not a surprise. 

The US saw some extreme heat and humidity in July across wide sections of the country, which had significant negative impacts on outerwear and tops, both of which are far less necessary in the middle of a summer heat wave.  But, the warm weather was a headwind behind improving sales in men’s shirts and hats of all kinds.”