June Rounds Played Hold Strong

The latest Golf Datatech National Rounds Played Report, with results for June 2024, is published this week with year over year results for eight regions, all states and several metropolitan areas.  US rounds were were marginally higher in June, up +1.5% for the month and leaving +2.1% on a YTD basis.

Even though temperatures were higher than normal, making it uncomfortable to play in many markets, rounds continued to show strength, particularly in the New England, the Mid-Atlantic, Mountain and parts of the East North Central regions.

Said Golf Datatech co-founder, John Krzynowek, on the latest news, “Rounds played continue to hold at slightly elevated levels through mid-year, keeping golf courses full and tee times hard to come by in much of the country. The West North Central was particularly hard hit by heavy rains and flooding which caused that region to see 4.1% fewer rounds, while most of the North-eastern quadrant and the Mid Atlantic enjoyed higher rounds.”