Rounds Hold Steady Despite Weather
The latest Golf Datatech National Rounds Played Report with results for May 2024 is published today. The report contains year over year results for eight regions, all states and several metropolitan areas. US rounds were down -0.8% for the month and up +2.4% YTD when compared to May 2023.
Thanks to some challenging weather conditions, which occurred broadly across some of the most significant golf markets in May, rounds declined by just under -1% for the month. This left YTD total rounds +2.4% higher than 2023.
It’s worth noting that substantial rain in the northern tier of the country made for some difficult comparisons against last year.
On the release of the most recent rounds played report, Golf Datatech co-founder John Krzynowek said, “Even in the face of increased precipitation across large sections of the country, golf courses remained busy and overall rounds held up fairly well in May, which is the beginning of the busy season for the game. The next three months will tell the tale of how the year fares, however, YTD they’re holding up well under difficult circumstances”.
Rounds played data is a great indicator of the health of golf across the US. As ever, we are grateful for the courses who submit their data on a monthly basis. If you’d like to take part, please visit this page.