Slowdown for July Rounds Played

The latest Golf Datatech National Rounds Played Report with results for July 2024 is published this week with year over year results for eight regions, all states and several metropolitan areas. 

US rounds were down -1.4% for the month and up +1.3% YTD when compared to July 2023.

Rounds played suffered a slight setback in July as unusually high precipitation combined with heat and humidity to make it difficult to play the game in broad sections of the country.  The only regions with significantly improved rounds were New England (+6.6%) and the Mid-Atlantic (+1.7%), while the South Atlantic (-6.0%), South Central (-4.2%) and Pacific (-4.0%) all slogged thru an extremely wet month.”

On the latest news, Golf Datatech co-founder John Krzynowek said, “On a YTD basis, rounds are still 1.3% higher thru July than they were a year ago, leaving total rounds significantly higher than they were pre-pandemic, with no significant downturn visible on the horizon.”